• openresty는 nginx와 lua 기반의 웹개발 플랫폼이다.
  • lualuajit 을 사용하고 엔진이 포함되어 있다.
  • 서버에서 동작한다.
  • 대부분의 리눅스 배포판은 패키지를 지원한다.
  • 여기에서는 docker 이미지로 설치하고 사용하는 방법을 정리한다.
  • System Info: RaspberryPi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
  • OS: Raspbian (Debian 11, Bullseye)
  • Docker: version 24.0.5

Getting Started

  • Hello World ```

    Install Docker and Relogin after exit

curl -sSL | sh sudo usermod -aG docker $usermod exit … docker run hello-world

Docker Image get

docker pull openresty/openresty:alpine


mkdir ~/www cd ~/www mkdir conf html vi conf/nginx.conf … worker_processes 1; error_log error.log; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { server { listen 8000; location / { default_type text/html; content_by_lua ‘ ngx.say(“<p>hello world!</p>”) ‘; } } } …

Run openresty docker image

docker run –name mresty –rm –volume pwd/conf/:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/
-p openresty/openresty:alpine

docker process check

docker ps

openresty web server test

curl localhost:8000

hello world!

## Openresty Comandline Utility

version check

resty -v

Hello World

resty -e ‘print(“Hello World”)’ echo ‘print(“Hello World”)’ > hello.lua resty hello.lua

resty ngx module test

time resty -e ‘gnx.sleep(1) ngx.say(“done”)’ resty -e ‘local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() print(socke:connect(“”,443))’ resty -e ‘ngx.thread.wait(ngx.thread.spawn(function () print(“in thread!”) end))’

mkdir lua/ vim lua/test.lua … local _M = {} function _M.hello() print(“Hello”) end return _M … resty -e ‘require “test”.hello()’ # Error resty -I lua/ -e ‘require “test”.hello()’ # Hello

resty -e ‘local ok, stdout = require “”.run([[echo ok]]) print(stdout)’ # ok resty –shdict ‘dogs 10m’ -e ‘print(ngx.shared.dogs:set(“age”,11))’ # truenilfalse resty –shdict ‘dogs 7m’ –shdict ‘cats 5m’ -e ‘print(ngx.shared.dogs, “ “, ngx.shared.cats)’

resty –http-conf ‘lua_regex_match_limit 102400;’ -e ‘print “ok”’

Bench Test

echo ‘local a = 0 for 1, 1e8 do a = a+1 end print(a)’ > bench.lua time resty -joff bench.lua # without Jit Compiler time resty bench.lua # with Jit Compiler (Fast) resty -jv bench.lua resty -jdump bench.lua | less


resty -h | less # See Help restydoc resty-cli # See Document

## Structure and Lua Module

* Create Project Folder and Modules

mkdir test-module cd test-module mkdir logs conf lua

vim lua/hello.lua … local _M = {} function _M.greet(name) ngx.say(“Greetings from “, name) end return _M …

* Setup nginx.conf

vim conf/nginx.conf … worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { # Lua module Preload for performance and Cache init_by_lua_block { require “hello” } # add module path to lua package path: $prefix means nginx -p option value lua_package_path “$prefix/lua/?.lua;;” # Server Setup: port, lua block… server { listen 8080 reuseport; location / { content_by_lua_block { local hello = require “hello” hello.greet(“a Lua module”) } } } } …

* Server start and Test

server configuration test

nginx -p $PWD/ -t

server start

nginx -p $PWD/

Chech Error Log

tail logs/error.log

client request test : Browser also available

curl ‘’ Greetins from a Lua module

* Server Admin

check server process

ps aux | grep nginx | grep -v /tmp/ pgrep -l nginx

Edit nginx.conf

vim conf/nginx.conf

Server Restart (After editting of nginx.conf)

kill -HUP cat logs/

client request again

curl ‘’ ```

Build Develop Environment

  • Makefile을 만들고 도커이미지를 제어하고 로그 등을 확인할 수 있는 환경을 만든다.
  • Makefile
  • conf/nginx.conf
  • Test


  • awesome-resty -
  • Docker
    • RaspberryPi Docker -
  • Openresty
    • Openresty -
    • Openresty Getting Started -
    • Openresty Linux Package List -
    • Openresty FAQs -
    • Openresty Resources -
    • Openresty Directives -
    • Openresty API -
    • An-Introduction-To-OpenResty-Nginx-Lua -