MMTC: Minimal mpd terminal client


  • Rust로 작성된 심플한 MPD client program
  • 현재 느낌으로는 mpc보다 조금 나은 수준이다.


  • 사전에 mpc 먼저 설치해야한다.
  • 이유는 뮤직라이브러리 관리를 지원하지 않기 때문
sudo apt install mpc
git clone
cd mmtc
cargo build --release
mv target/release/mmtc ~/bin
mmtc --help


q: quit
r: toggle repeat
R: toggle random
p: pause
;: stop
h or Left: seek backwards
l or Right: seek forwards
H: previous song
L: next song
Enter: play selected song or quit searching mode
Space: select current song
j, Down: go down in the queue
k, Up: go up in the queue
g: go to the top of the queue
G: go to the botton of the queue
/: search
ctrl+u: empty search query
escape: quit serching mode and empty query
