Lua Quick Guide - tutorialspoint
- Tokens in Lua
io.write("Hello world, from ",_VERSION,"!\n")
- Comments
-- simple comment --[[ block comments --]]
- identifiers - 변수명, 함수명 등 규칙
mohd zera abc move_name a_123 myname50 _temp a23b9 retVal
- Keywords - 예약어
and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while
Lua - Variables
- Global variables, Local bariables, Table fields
- Variable Example ```lua – Variable definition: local a, b –local g,l = 20,30 –global
– Initialization a = 10 b = 30
print(“value of a:”, a) print(“value of b:”, b)
– Swapping of variables b, a = a, b
print(“value of a:”, a) print(“value of b:”, b)
f = 70.0/3.0 print(“value of f”, f)
* Data Types
`nil` - no data
`boolean` - ture, false
`number` - read numbers
`string` - array of characters
`function` - method that is written in C or Lua
`userdata` - C data
`thread` - independent threads of execution
`table` - arrays, symbol tables, sets, records, graphs, trees, etc
* Type Function
print(type("What is my type")) -- string
t = 10
print(type(5.8*t)) -- number
print(type(print)) -- function
print(type(nill)) -- nil
print(type(type(ABC))) -- string
Lua - Operators
- Arithmetic Operators (^는 A^2를 의미) ```lua
- / % ^ - ```
- Relational Operators (
을 의미)== ~= > < >= <=
- Logical Operators
and or not
- Misc Operators
- a=”Hello”, b=”World”일때 a..b –> “Hello World”#
- string, table의 요소개수를 반환: #”Hello” –> 5
Lua - Loop
while loop
- wile문for loop
- for문repeat...until loop
- repeat문nested loops
- 중첩된 반복문- Loop Control
- 빠져 나오기 :continue
가 5.1버전에는 없다. - The Infinite Loop
while(true) do print("This loop will run forever.") end
Lua - Decision Making
if statement
if...else statement
nested if...else statement
Lua - Function
- function example
--[[ function returning the max between two numbers --]] function max(num1, num2) if (num1 > num2) then result = num1; else result = num2; end return result; end -- calling a function print("The maximum of the two numbers is ",max(10,4)) --> 10 print("The maximum of the two numbers is ",max(5,6)) --> 6
- Assigning and Passing functions ```lua myprint = function(param) print(“This is my print function - ##”,param,”##”) end
function add(num1,num2,functionPrint) –number,number,function result = num1 + num2 functionPrint(result) end
myprint(10) add(2,5,myprint)
* Function with Variable Argument
function average(...) -- Argument수를 정해 놓지 않고 정의
result = 0
local arg = {...}
for i,v in ipairs(arg) do -- ipairs는 arg의 Index와 value를 넘김
result = result + v
return result/#arg -- result 나누기 #arg(arg수)
print("The average is",average(10,5,3,4,5,6)) -- 필요한 만큼 넣어 줌
Lua - Strings
- example ```lua string1 = “Lua” –single quotes print(“"String 1 is"”, string1)
string2 = ‘Tutorial’ –double quotes print(“String 2 is”, string2)
string3 = [[“Lua Tutorial”]] –[[and]] : 여러 줄의 문자열을 사용할 때 print(“String 3 is”, string3)
* Escape Sequence
\a \b \f \n \r \t \v \ " ' [ ]
* String Manipulation
- `string.upper(arg)` - 대문자로
- `string.lower(arg)` - 소문자로
- `string.gsub(mainstring,findstring,replacestring)` - 문자열 대체
- `string.find(mainstring,findstring,optStartIndex,optEndIndex)` - 문자열 찾기
- `string.reverse(arg)` - 문자열 역순으로
- `string.format(...)` - 문자열 포멧 설정
- `string.len(arg)` - 문자열 길이
- `string.rep(string,n)` - 문자열 N번 반복 출력
* Case Manipulation - 대소문자 변환
string1 = "Lua";
print(string.upper(string1)) -- LUA
print(string.lower(string1)) -- lua
- Replacing strings ```lua string = “Lua Tutorial” – replacing strings newstring = string.gsub(string, “Tutorial”,”Language”) print(“The new string is “..newstring) – The new string is Lua Language
- Finding and Reversing ```lua string = “Lua Tutorial”
– find strings
print(string.find(string,”Tutorial”)) – 5 12 (start end)
reversedString = string.reverse(string)
print(“The new string is”, reversedString) – The new string is lairotuT auL
* Formatting Strings
string1 = "Lua"
string2 = "Tutorial"
number1 = 10
number2 = 20
-- Basic string formatting
print(string.format("Basic formatting %s %s", string1, string2))
-- Date formatting
date = 2; month = 1; year = 2022
print(string.format("Date formatting %02d/%02d/%03d %s", date, month, year))
-- Decimal formatting
print(string.format("%.4f", 1/3))
- Character and Byte Representations ```lua – Byte conversion
– First character print(string.byte(“Lua”)) – 76
– Third character print(string.byte(“Lua”,3)) – 97
– First character from last print(string.byte(“Lua”,-1)) – 97
– Second character print(string.byte(“Lua”,2)) – 117
– Second character from last print(string.byte(“Lua”,-2)) – 117
– Internal Numeric ASCII Conversion print(string.char(97)) – a
* Other Common Functions
string1 = "Lua"
string2 = "Tutorial"
-- String Concatenations using ..
print("Concatenated string", string1..string2) -- LuaTutorial
-- Length of string
print("Length of string1 is ", string.len(string1)) -- 3
-- Repeating strings
repeatedString = string.rep(string1,3)
print(repeatedString) -- LuaLuaLua
Lua - Arrays
- One-Dimensional Array ```lua array = {“Lua”, “Tutorial”}
– lua에서는 array[0]은 nil이다. array[1]부터 시작한다. for i = 0, 2 do print(array[i]) end
* Multi-Dimensional Array
-- Initializing the array
array = {}
for i=1,3 do
array[i] = {}
for j=1,3 do
array[i][j] = i*j
-- Accessing the array
for i=1,3 do
for j=1,3 do
Lua - Iterators
- Generic For Iterator
array = {"Lua", "Tutorial"} -- ipairs를 사용하면 key는 1부터 index이고value는 배열요소를 사용할 수 있다. for key, value in ipairs(array) do print(key, value) end
- Stateless Iterators ```lua function square(iteratorMaxCount, currentNumber) if currentNumber < iteratorMaxCount then currentNumber = currentNumber + 1 return currentNumber, currentNumber*currentNumber end end
for i,n in square,3,0 do print(i,n) end
* Stateful Iterators
array = {"Lua", "Tutorial"}
function elementIterator(collection)
local index = 0
local count = #collection
-- The closure function is returned
return function()
index = index + 1
if index <= count
--return the current element of the iterator
return collection[index]
for element in elementIterator(array)
- 그냥 generic 방식 쓰자.
Lua - Tables
table은 array, dictionary, 함수, 기타 자료형의 모든 묶음이다.
example ```lua – Simple empty table mytable = {} print(“Type of mytable is “, type(mytable))
mytable[1] = “Lua” mytable[“wow”] = “Tutorial”
print(“mytable Element at index 1 is “, mytable [1]) print(“mytable Element at index wow is “, mytable [“wow”])
– alternatetable and mytable refers to same table alternatetable = mytable
print(“alternatetable Element at index 1 is “, alternatetable[1]) print(“alternatetable Element at index wow is “, alternatetable[“wow”])
alternatetable[“wow”] = “I changed it”
print(“mytable Element at index wow is “, mytable[“wow”])
– only variable released and and not table alternatetable = nil print(“alternatetable is “, alternatetable) –> alternatetable is nil
– mytable is still accessible print(“mytable Element at index wow is “, mytable[“wow”])
mytable = nil print(“mytable is “, mytable) –> mytable is nil
* Table Concatenation (요소 결합)
fruits = {"banana", "orange", "apple"}
print(table.concat(fruits)) --> bananaorangeapple
print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) --> banana, orange, apple
print(table.concat(fruits, ", ", 2,3)) --> orange, apple
- Table Insert and Remove
fruits = {"banana", "orange", "apple"} table.insert(fruits, "mango") -- 맨 뒤에 붙임 print(fruits[4]) --> mango table.insert(fruits, 2, "grapes") -- index 2에 붙임 print(fruits[2]) --> grape print(table.maxn(fruits)) --> 5 print(fruits[5]) --> mango table.remove(fruits) -- 모든 요소 제거 print(fruits[5]) --> nil
- Sorting Tables ```lua fruits = {“banana”, “orange”, “apple”, “grapes”} for k,v in ipairs(fruits) do print(k,v) end
table.sort(fruits) print(“sorted table”)
for k,v in ipairs(fruits) do print(k,v) end
## Lua - Modules
* 외부 모듈을 사용하는 방법
-- Method 1 (매우 정직한, 그대로의)
require "printFormatter"
-- Method 2 (난 이 방법이 마음에 든다)
local formatter = require "printFormatter"
-- Method 3 (함수 하나만 뽑아 쓸 때)
require "printFormatter"
local formatterFunction = printFormatter.simpleFormat
- 모듈 작성하기 ```lua – mymath.lua local mymath = {} function mymath.add(a,b) print(a+b) end
function mymath.sub(a,b) print(a-b) end
function mymath.mul(a,b) print(a*b) end
function mymath.div(a,b) print(a/b) end
return mymath
* 모듈 사용하기
-- main.lua
mymath = require("mymath")
- 주의 사항
는 같은 디렉토리에 있어야 한다.- 모듈의 이름과 모듈파일의 이름은 같아야 한다.
Lua - Metatables
```lua mytable = setmetatable({key1 = “value1”}, { __index = function(mytable, key) if key == “key2” then return “metatablevalue” else return mytable[key] end end })
– simple version newtable = setmetatable({key1 = “value1”}, { __index = {key2 = “metatablevalue”}} )
print(mytable.key1, mytable.key2) –> value1 metatablevalue print(newtable.key1, newtable.key2) –> value1 metatablevalue
* `__newindex`
mymetatable = {}
mytable = setmetatable({key1 = "value1"}, { __newindex = mymetatable})
mytable.newkey = "new value 2"
mytable.key1 = "new value 1"
another example ```lua mytable = setmetatable({key1 = “value1”}, {__newindex = function(mytable, key, value) rawset(mytable, key, “"”..value..”"”) end })
mytable.key1 = “new value” mytable.key2 = 4
* Adding Operator Behavior to Tables - 테이블끼리 더하기
mytable = setmetatable({ 1, 2, 3 }, {
__add = function(mytable, newtable)
for i = 1, table.maxn(newtable) do
table.insert(mytable, table.maxn(mytable)+1,newtable[i])
return mytable
secondtable = {4,5,6}
mytable = mytable + secondtable
for k,v in ipairs(mytable) do
- Table operators
```lua mytable = setmetatable({10}, { __call = function(mytable, newtable) sum = 0for i = 1, table.maxn(mytable) do sum = sum + mytable[i] end for i = 1, table.maxn(newtable) do sum = sum + newtable[i] end return sum end })
newtable = {10,20,30} print(mytable(newtable)) –> 70
* `__tostring`
mytable = setmetatable({ 10, 20, 30 }, {
__tostring = function(mytable)
sum = 0
for k, v in pairs(mytable) do
sum = sum + v
return "The sum of values in the table is " .. sum
print(mytable) --> The sum of values in the table is 60
Lua - Coroutines
- 코루틴 정의: 이해 못해서 넘어감
Coroutines are collaborative in nature, which allows two or more methods to execute in a controlled manner. With coroutines, at any given time, only one coroutine runs and this running coroutine only suspends its execution when it explicitly requests to be suspended.
Example ```lua co = coroutine.create( function (value1, value2) local tempvar3 = 10 print(“coroutine section 1”, value1, value2, tempvar3)
local tempvar1 = coroutine.yield(value1+1, value2+1) tempvar3 = tempvar3 + value1 print("coroutine section 2", tempvar1, tempvar2, tempvar3) local tempvar1, tempvar2 = coroutine.yield(value1+value2, value1-value2) tempvar3 = tempvar3 + value1 print("coroutine section 3", tempvar1, tempvar2, tempvar3) return value2, "end" end )
print(“main”, coroutine.resume(co, 3, 2) ) print(“main”, coroutine.resume(co, 12, 14) ) print(“main”, coroutine.resume(co, 5, 6) ) print(“main”, coroutine.resume(co, 10, 20) )
* Example2
function getNumber()
local function getNumberHelper()
co = coroutine.create(function ()
return co
if(numberHelper) then
status, number = coroutine.resume(numberHelper);
if coroutine.status(numberHelper) == "dead" then
numberHelper = getNumberHelper()
status, number = coroutine.resume(numberHelper);
return number
numberHelper = getNumberHelper()
status, number = coroutine.resume(numberHelper);
return number
for index = 1, 10 do
print(index, getNumber())
Lua - File I/O
- Implicit File Descriptors
-- opens a file in read file ='test.lua', 'r') -- sets the default input file as test.lua io.input(file) -- prints the first line of the file print( -- closes the open File io.close(fiel) -- Opens a file in append Modules file ='test.lua','a') -- sets the default output file as test.lua io.output(file) -- appends a word test to the last line of the file io.write('-- End of the test.lua file') -- closes the open file io.close(file)
- Explicit File Descriptors
-- Opens a file in read mode file ='test.lua', 'r') -- prints the first line of the file print(file:read()) -- closes the opended file file:colse() -- Opens a file in append mode file ='test.lua','a') -- appends a word test to the last line of the file file:write('--test') -- closes the open file file:colse()
- File Seek and read
-- Opens a file in read file ='test.lua', 'r') file:seek('end',-25) print(file:read('*a')) -- closes the opened file file:close()
Lua - Error Handling
- Syntax Errors
for a = 1,10 print(a) end
lua: test2.lua:2: 'do' expected near 'print'
- Run Time Errors ```lua function add(a,b) return a_b end
lua: test2.lua:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'b' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
test2.lua:2: in function 'add'
test2.lua:5: in main chunk
[C]: ?
- Assert and Error Functions ```lua local function add(a,b) assert(type(a) == ‘number’, ‘a is not a number’) assert(type(b) == ‘number’, ‘b is not a number’) return a+b end
lua: test2.lua:3: b is not a number
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
test2.lua:3: in function 'add'
test2.lua:6: in main chunk
[C]: ?
- pcall ```lua function myfunction () n = n/nil end
if pcall(myfunction) then print(“Success”) else print(‘failure’) end
- xpcall ```lua function myfunction () n = n/nil end
function myerrorhandler(err) print(‘Error:’,err) end stutus = xpcall(myfunction, myerrorhandler) print(status)
ERROR: test2.lua:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'n' (a nil value)
Lua - Debugging
Debugging Example ```lua function myfunction() print(debug.traceback(“Stack trace”)) print(debug.getinfo(1)) print(“Stack trace end”)
return 10 end
myfunction() print(debug.getinfo(1))
* Debugging Result
Stack trace stack traceback: test2.lua:2: in function ‘myfunction’ test2.lua:8: in main chunk [C]: ? table: 0054C6C8 Stack trace end`
* Debugging Example2
function newCounter ()
local n = 0
local k = 0
return function ()
k = n
n = n + 1
return n
counter = newCounter ()
local i = 1
name, val = debug.getupvalue(counter, i)
if name then
print ("index", i, name, "=", val)
if(name == "n") then
debug.setupvalue (counter,2,10)
i = i + 1
end -- if
until not name
- Debugging Result2
1 2 index 1 k = 1 index 2 n = 2 11
Lua - Garbage Collection
- Example
mytable = {"apple", "orange", "banana"} print(collectgarbage("count")) mytable = nil print(collectgarbage("count")) print(collectgarbage("collect")) print(collectgarbage("count"))
- Result
23.1455078125 149 23.2880859375 295 0 22.37109375 380
아래는 따로 독립적인 항목으로 분류하여 정리할 예정.
- Lua - Debugging
- Lua - Garbage Collection
- Lua - Object Oriented
- Lua - Web programming
- Lua - Database Accessing
- Lua - Game Programming
- This quide
- Pattern Matching